Friday, September 26, 2008

the debate

Watching NBC News...

Obama thanked McCain when they greeted each other.  Interesting/insulting.

First question to Obama on the economy - 4 point plan.  Direct attack on McCain already!  Not cool....

McCain - sad about Sen. Kennedy.  Took the air about the room.  Talking from personal point-of-view.  Like it.  "End of beginning" is good line.  

(I hate when politicians say "Main Street.  So overdone.)

Good on Lehrer to go back to question.

Obama - still not answering question.  Not sure it can be answered...

McCain will vote for the plan.  Both "warned."  

Like Lehrer's attempt to try to get them to talk to each other.  Harder to be confrontational.

I'm on Lehrer's side right now.

McCain - sick of hearing about the strength of the American worker.  That's too idealistic and not solid enough.

McCain on differences - not many.  Spending is not enough.  Pork barrel not enough.

Obama - tax cuts is difference, but not different enough.

McCain - cutting spending seems silly if we need programs.

Obama - interruption not cool.  Focus on people really struggling was good.

McCain - like focus on business taxes.  Small business matters.  And getting small businesses to stay is important.  Purchasing own healthcare is cool.

Obama - 95 percent of people getting tax cuts is good but old point.  Loopholes point is a good one.  Makes people feel like there are tricks up McCain's sleeve.  Taxing health benefits for first time is a problem.

McCain - smiling...  "Walking the walk" statement strong.  Voting records point is a good one.  Always will be.

Obama - calling McCain "John" minimizes his credentials.  Drilling offshore made its first appearance.

Question - rescue system.  What will you give up?

Obama - delay things.  Hard to anticipate statement is realistic.  Won't give up oil independence.  Investment in alternative energies is really important.  Crucially important to me.  Fix healthcare system.  People going bankrupt.  Education is important. Infrastructure / electricity grid. Hit 2 of my biggest issues.  

McCain - cut spending.  Funny statement about reaching across the aisle.  Eliminate ethanol subsidies.  Cut defense spending.  Saved taxpayers money on Boeing deal is good point.  Priorities not clear enough for me.

Lehrer - not making changes.  Good point.

Obama - won't say what is delayed.  Might strip away parts of plan.  Not a good sign.  Medicare system reforms is good point.  Worked with Colburn.  "Google for Government" is an awesome thing.  Love the use of new technology.

Lehrer - good toughness on Obama.

McCain - spending freeze on everything but Veterans and defense?  No way!

Obama - like point on Iraq excesses.

McCain - like point on giving money to countries that don't like us.  But would like focus on making countries like us and want to work with us.  Mentioned Clinton!  Good on him!

Obama - admitted effect on budget.  Good focus on priorities.

McCain - not government's role to make medical decisions for families.  Like that a lot.  Spending restraint isn't good if it hurts people...  Great point on owing China too much.  Really strong answer from McCain.

Obama - spending comes from President.  McCain voted for budgets.  Good catch.  

McCain - repeat of "Miss Congeniality" statement (overused).  Didn't rebut votes on President's budget.

Question - lessons of Iraq?

McCain - cannot have failed strategy.  Poor answer.  Very upsetting.  Not real answer.  Not with McCain on "success" of surge strategy.  Not sure of Iraq being an ally either.  Success is not assured at this point in my opinion.

Obama - good point on going to war in first place.  Cost is big issue. Redirection on bin Laden, Afghanistan - strong.  

McCain looks very uncomfortable.

McCain - good point on Obama saying surge would not work.  Never had hearing point is a good one.

Obama - focus on Biden is not enough.  He should've done something on his own.  Called McCain out.  Way to fight back.  Good reference to McCain history on Iraq.

McCain looks smug.

McCain - troops "Let us win" statement is quaint.  Clearing area and people align with the U.S. seems naive.

Obama - McCain opposed funding because of timetable. No difference on supporting troops.  Re-focus on Afghanistan.  Rambling....

Talking over each other...

McCain - Iraq is central battleground.  Interesting...  "Snatch defeat from jaws of victory" is great statement.

Question - more troops for Afghanistan?

Obama - yes.  al Qaeda and Taliban still cross boarder and attack troops.  Pakistan is also issue. Plan to press government, reduce poppy trade, deal with Pakistan.  (How is he going to deal with Pakistan?)

McCain - regrets Charlie Wilson's war.  Not the movie.  Maybe the movie.  But definitely the reality.  Won't threaten Pakistan.  Need support of people (sounds kinda silly and unrealistic).  Tribal relations is good idea, but might not be doable.  Too much focus on Petreus - not enough on being military leader (Commander in Chief) himself.

Obama - "We should take them out." Good strength.  Anti-democratic point will probably be a strong on for many people.  

McCain - admired Ronald Reagan.  Voted against invading Lebanon.  Going over record - kinda boring.  Human interest story; but old one.

Obama - "Got bracelet too" is insulting.  Downplays value of both.  Rambling...  Re-focus on Afghanistan. Really working on making this point.

McCain - Obama didn't go to Afghanistan.  Wow.  That's bad.

Question - Iran.

McCain - threat to Israel and to region.  Wow.  Second Holocaust?  Really?  Policy of sanctions.  Personally argued both sides of effectiveness of sanctions when I was a debater in college.  Not a very clear answer here.

Obama - can't tolerate nuclear Iran.  And Russia makes an entrance...  Isolation point is a good one.  Doesn't work.  This is huge for me.

McCain - got Bush fever with mispronounciations.  What's the point with conditions?  Conversations don't legitimize illegal behavior.  What pre-conditions?  What does he want?

Obama smiling looks bad.

Obama - shows strength with "Meet any time and place of my choosing."  Kissinger point is a good one.  Kissinger supports Obama strategy on Iran.  Hedging his bets with the preparation and "It might not work."  Don't like that. 

McCain smiling again.

McCain - strongest point on pre-conditions yet. 

Why can you see McCain's podium and not Obama's on the split screen?  That's not fair to McCain because Obama fills more of the screen. 

McCain is really taking Obama to task on this one.  Shit.

Obama looks really annoyed and off-kilter.

Question on Russia.

Obama - they are a threat to peace and stability in region.  Good mention of NATO allies.  Adding Georgia may be a tough/dangerous thing.  Glad he's bringing attention to loose nukes.

McCain - calling Obama naive again.  Starting to believe it.  Rambling...  Focus on Ukraine seems like a stretch.

Obama - starting to agree with McCain.  Shows McCain's authority.  Rambling...  

Getting late in the debate.  Bet they're tired.

Obama - back to energy talk.  Was strong on economy earlier.  Trying to go back to it so he can debate from a point of strength. Took McCain's point on energy = national security. Nice job.  Good point on McCain energy record on alternatives.

McCain - showing weakness on alternative energy in comparison to strength on foreign policy.

Question - another 9/11 attack?

McCain - long pause.  Got most reforms into law because of bi-partisanship.  Works better with Allies.  Thinks America is safe; long way to go.  Men and women in agencies are doing a great job (but earlier he said there was waste in the Defense Dept.).  

Obama - nuclear proliferation is biggest threat.  Loose nukes again.  American unsafe in those ways.  al Qaeda is root cause.  Need more work there.  Perception is important.  (This really resonates with me - not sure of direct like to terrorism since terrorism is the work of a minority.) 

McCain - used Obama's "Doesn't get it" line.

Obama - tie McCain to current adminstration.  Failure with bin Laden.  China debt is scary.  Not sure how he will change it.    Trying to take veteran's affairs issues from McCain.  Won't work.

McCain - involved in foreign policy issues for 20 years (not necessarily a good thing).  Attacked Obama on experience.  Equates Obama to current administration.  Won't work.  

Obama - father from Kenya.  No other country where you can make it if you try.  Love the point on how children look at the United States.  So important to me.  

McCain - back to veterans.  Knows how to deal with adversaries and friends.

Analysis - McCain won debate because of foreign policy.  Economy is still too up in the air, but Obama did better because he offered more specifics.  Not what I expected.


tmb said...

How is greeting someone insulting?

Obama has given a list of the issues he sees are big. McCain has yet to put forth some points...

tmb said...

Obama is taking the lead.

tmb said...

No answer to 90% voting with Bush.

tmb said...

This is Emily now - if its not the beginning of the end, but the end of the beginning - doesnt that put us in the middle? Why is it McCain can't seem to speak in a full thought - but merely repeates the talking points or sound bites he has been given? McCain hasnt answered a single question but instead invoked Eisenhower, Normandy, and a 2 year old chat he had with a solider.

Obama thinks in full ideas and answers the questions with complete thoughts.

tmb said...

Emily: Pakistan IS NOT helping us - they are taking our money and not giving us proper intelligence. And more troops John? Really? Since you are sending all of ours to their deaths already, where exactly are you getting these troops?
Cheney manufactured the war in Iraq - this is no one's central battleground but Bush's

tmb said...

Preconditions is a mis-nomer. There is no such thing as talking without preconditions. In fact, secret service must set up the site in order to have talks - preconditions.

On Georgia, McCain has ties to Georgian lobbyists who were paid nearly $20,000 for access...

The Center Wing said...

On the Afghanistan issue, McCain is dead wrong on Obama not visiting. Heck, McCain was a chief attacker of Obama when he did his big overseas trip, which included a trip to troops in Afghanistan.

Thomas said...

One suggestion: it might be better if you didn't live blog and offer opinions while you are still undecided.

I understand it might help you process the info, but I've found that watching something and then sleeping on it works better. I'm not saying it will work for you. Just my opinion and suggestion.

Ambz said...

Obama - smiling looks bad?

OMG girl, just vote for McCain and keep it moving, geez!

jill said...

You aren't undecided! You are just wanted a schtick and being undecided is your schtick.