Thursday, September 25, 2008

With Friends Like These...

So now that everyone knows I'm undecided, many of my friends have started sending me emails encouraging me to vote one way or another.  In all honesty, most of them are anti-McCain/Palin. (Where are all the anti-Obama folks?)

Here are the three most recent: 

Sarah Palin hates the environment (thanks, Charla) -

Sarah Palin is "exceptional" according to The New York Times (thanks, Staci) -

Network news conceals the real John McCain (Staci again) -


tmb said...

Anti-Obama? Those who are might be tough to find on the old blogosphere as even Johnny Mac himself has said, he doesn't know how to use "the Google."

Emily R. said...

Cassandra my love - You don't find true anti-Obama rhetoric because its not truly there to find. Attacks on him have been personal - about his lapel pin?, his "Americanism," whether he puts his hand on his heart for the pledge?, his wife and her terrorist fist jabs? C'mon. McCain graduated last in his class (that he only got into b/c he is the son and grandson of admirals), crashed 4 planes before he crashed the one that made him famous, used this as a launching pad for his political career and when the finances didnt follow, he traded his old wife in for a beer heiress and a sudden need for campaign finance reform that he won't have to access anyway. With this history, how did the biracial son of a woman on food stamps become the "elitest"? When did it become more important to have a folksy man in office and not the smartest man in the room? Who has thus far run the most honorable and honest campaign? There is only one clear answer. Say it with me now -- O-BAM-A!
And I think Matt Damon says it best on the subject of Sarah "wackjob" Palin:

LonewackoDotCom said...

A search for his name at my site will bring up several reasons why no one outside the far left should vote for BHO. For instance, here's a partial list of his lies He's also said things more appropriate for MEChA members. And, he was (at the least) a useful idiot for a foreign government.

Want more? Here's an example of him lying to hide the flaws in his policies.

Search for much more.

Veek said...

Great neutral analysis of tax plans by Business Week.

tmb said...

Okay - I have to stand up and step out on this.

One of lonewacko's websites hyperlinked above is HATE SPEECH and brutally offensive. It states that Senator Obama is sympathetic to false history of Native American oppression.

No joke.

The article pushes the position that due to signing a treaty (of Hidalgo?) (which was probably misrepresented and hardly understood by the natives), there is no claim that Native Americans were in possession of the US territory before Europeans... Crazy! I know! The scary part is that the article articulates an "us" versus "them" mentality that is inapposite to the globalization that is occurring today.

I have a feeling Emily and I will be posting often in the future. I absolutely love that you have undertaken this endeavor.

Unknown said...

not exactly anti obama, but hopefully help you decide on how to vote :)

You Know Me said...

I think clearly you should vote for McCain, as you and he are both apparently into stunts.

Truly undecided voters are voters who are disengaged, low information voters. You are clearly quite engaged in the election, thus it seems to me that your purported undecided status must be a stunt.

So go ahead and vote for the guy who publicly referred to his wife as a c***. Vote for the guy who announced he was suspending his campaign (though he didn't really) so he could return to D.C. to save the republic from an economic collapse, even though he announced to the world he doesn't know crap about economics. Vote for the guy who had nothing to say at yesterday's White House meeting, a meeting he requested and which has been characterized by many as nothing more than political theater.

Vote for "bomb, bomb, Iran" McCain.

Undecided? Yeah, right.