Monday, October 13, 2008

Attack on the Undecided

John Oliver's Daily Show report on the undecided voter got a lot of attention this weekend, most notably for his analysis of the "stupid vote."  (v. funny - watch it when you get a chance.)

1 comment:

Ben said...

Uh, that's a weird position. How is that any different from not deciding the best route to the store before you leave your house?

We need to take the route we think is best. We plan ahead to choose that path. 98% of the time, we're going to choose correctly, providing we've done our homework. We know the best way to Point B is via Point A. But we researched A, and found out there is construction, so we choose between C and D.

Only the occasional car accident will cause our plans to be faulty. I guess, in short, I feel your logic is flawed.

No, I don't think your stupid.