Tuesday, October 7, 2008

third debate

Ok - so here we are at the 3rd debate.  And I actually haven't been drinking for this one.  I promise this won't happen again.

I like Tom Brokaw.  And I like this format, but not as much as the YouTube debate.

Obama looks so cool and collected.

Question: bail out regular people?

Obama: worst financial crisis.  People worried, final verdict on past 8 years - ties Bush and McCain.  Comes out strong.  Rescue package must work properly; tax payers treated as investors, CEOs not getting golden parachutes.  Should not have used the word "junket."  Tax cuts for middle class, local and state governments help people stay in job. Seemed like a long answer.

McCain: dig on the town hall meeting.  Talking right to question asker.  Kinda freaky.  Point on alternative energy; no taxes on anybody; reduce national debt; home values.  Back to Allen.  Renegotiate mortgages.  Trust to America.  Uses "my friends" a lot. 

Question: who for Treasury. 

McCain: not Tom.  Makes him look unprepared.  Warren Buffett supports Obama (why would he say that?).  Meg Whitman.  What about Carly Fiorina?  She's a huge McCain supporter.  Bet she's pissed.

Obama: Warren Buffett.  Not enough to help those at the top.  No trickle down.  I fundamentally disagree with him on that.  Harder to save and retire.  Middle class tax cut.  

Question: what's going to help regular people (repetitive question).

McCain: suspended campaign.  Protect tax payer.  Economy will recover.  Match that lit fire is Fannie and Freddie (disagree).  Used "cronies" - risky.  Tried to fix it two years ago.  Democrats defended Fannie and Freddie.  Obama second highest recipient of Fannie and Freddie money.  Need to buy bad loans and stabilize housing market.

Obama: rescue markets for you.  Small and large businesses can't get loans, can't make payroll.  Simple and clear explanation.  Deregulation was problem.  McCain bragged about it in March.  Wrote to Paulson and Bernake.  No one did anything.  Went to Wall St. - nothing happened.  (McCain is wandering around.)  Fannie and Freddie bill wasn't McCain's.  McCain campaign leader is lobbyist for Freddie.  Next Treasury Secretary has to strengthen middle class.

Question: worse before better?

Obama: no; need leadership.  Need new regulatory system; coordinate with other countries (like that).  

McCain: depends on what we do.  Need to buy mortgages, get rid of cronism.  Obama's name was not on the letter warning of crisis.  Back to American worker point on the economy.  Hate that point.

Question: trust either with money when both parties got us into this crisis?

Obama: people in Washington don't need to make cuts like regular people do.  Has surplus before Bush.  Double deficit.  No one is innocent, but biggest increases in deficit spending.  McCain voted for 4 of 5 budgets.  Reform healthcare to reduce budget; new energy plan; investment in college affordability.  Cutting more than spending.  Need to work for middle class.

McCain: understands mistrust.  Consistent reformer. Work across aisle; bipartisanship.  Needed today.  Obama doesn't take on party leaders.  Look at record.  Go to watch dogs.  McCain tried to eliminate pork barrel spending.  Obama voted for all increases in spending; $1 billion in pork.  $3 million projector in Chicago.  Good use of specifics, but I'm not opposed to projectors.  Especially if it's educational.  Back to alternative energy.

Question: health, energy, entitlement (social security).

McCain: all three at once.  (Poor answer.)  Entitlement.  Reagan and O'Neil.  Mention of Leiberman again.  Not sure that counts as against the aisle anymore.  Energy.  Then healthcare.  He didn't prioritize them like that, but it was clear.

Obama: like a family needs to prioritize.  Energy is first.  (Knows price of gas in TN.)  Important to national security.  10 years - free of Middle Eastern oil.  Referenced "going to the moon."  Like it.  Healthcare #2.  Hurts businesses.  #3 - education.  Need to look at records.  Line-by-line on the federal budget.  Like the pragmatism.  

Tom - stop talking about time!  They're not listening!

Question: what sacrafices?

McCain: may need to eliminate programs.  Examine every one.  Saved tax payers money.  Eliminate ear marks.  Really good projects will need to be eliminated.  Cut spending.  Spending freeze on everything but defense, veterans care, and some other things.  HATE this idea.  Freeze energy investment?  No way, Jose.  But then solve energy and healthcare at once?  This is contradictory.

Obama: 9/11 - what?  Bush said "go shop" - not call to service Americans want.  Think about how we use energy.  Possible off-shore drilling.  Clean coal.  How can we save energy?  Give incentives.  Young people want to serve - double Peace Corps, grow volunteer corp across the country.  Care for military families.

Questions: Bush said Wall St. got drunk; break bad habits?

Obama: need to show good habits in Washington on debt spending.  Look at revenue side.  McCain would give money to Fortune 500 CEOs.  People watching don't feel like they're sharing the burden with others.  All contribute, all make sacrifices.  Scaple argument is a strong one.

McCain: Obama tax proposals like nailing Jello to wall.  Lost 700k jobs.  Over 300k jobs created by small business.  Obama will increase taxes on 50 percent of small businesses.  HATE this more than anything.  Don't raise taxes if economy is bad - got aggressive with Obama.  Give tax credits on health insurance (talk about a secret - this is not what it seems).

Question: would you give Congress two years to reform social security and medicare?

Obama: not in 2 years, but in 4.  Need to understand rest of tax policies.  Straight Talk Express lost wheel (funny).  Tax cut for 95 percent of Americans.  Small businesses - only a few percent make more than $250k per year.  WHAT????  I don't buy this at all.  He's confusing personal income tax and business taxes.  This is frustrating.  Small business owners can't afford own healthcare.  McCain to give tax cuts to wealthiest.

McCain: not that hard to fix social security.  WHAT????  Ronald Reagan and Tip did it.  Obama didn't take on party leadership.  (No answer here.)  Create Medicare Commission.  Like Base Closing Commission (not sure this is a good thing).  Obama voted 94 times to increase taxes or again tax cuts.  Obama never proposed tax cuts.

Question: Congress moved fast for economy; move fast on environmental issues?

McCain: disagree with Bush; back to Leiberman.  Lost the vote on the legislation.  Nuclear power is best way.  Obama "something like that."  (I'd really prefer solar or wind - something really safe.)  Battery-powered cars.  Americans are best innovators.  

Obama: not just challenge, opportunity.  Create 5 million new jobs.  Same as computer in terms of economic growth.  Need to make investment.  National security issue.  Favor nuclear power as one component.  Look at record.  For past 30 years, Congress didn't do anything.  McCain was there for 26 of those years.  U.S. only has 3 percent of world's oil reserve, use 25 percent of world's oil.  Government partners with industry.  Give China energy.

Tom - stop talking about the time!

Question: fund Manhattan-like project for energy or hundreds of garages like Silicon Valley?  (GREAT QUESTION)

McCain: start with government and then to private sector.  Babbling...  I think McCain was a really good looking man when he was younger.

Obama: damn - Tom didn't let him answer this!!!!  I really wanted to compare their answers on this.

Question: treat healthcare as a commodity?

Obama: rambling; moral commitment and economic imperative to do something.  If you have healthcare, keep it if you like it.  If you don't like it, get healthcare like Senators have.  McCain to give tax credit; tax employee healthcare plan for the first time ever.  (HATE this.)  McCain takes away states' right.  Chamber of Commerce thinks it would unravel healthcare system.

McCain: put health records online (duh).  Walk-in clinics, other efficiencies.  Difference. Obama is for government.  Obama will fine small business owners if don't offer healthcare.  (I'm ok with that, though it's tough for me.)  Do the math - 95 percent of American people will be able shop around and have more to spend on healthcare.  It's all about choice.  (Like this sentiment.)

Question: priviledge, right, or responsibility?

McCain: responsibility.  Americans and employers understand it.  Nervous about fines from Obama.  How much will it be?

Obama: right.  His mother died of cancer, argue with insurance companies.  Totally feel the same way.  If you like healthcare, keep it.  Tax credit for small businesses.  Need to make sure child has healthcare.  Don't want them going to ER for asthma.  McCain voted against children's healthcare coverage.  Government should crack down on insurance companies cheating customers.  Don't shop state by state because insurance companies will set up shop where there are lose laws.  No consumer protections in those states.  

Question: how will recent economic stress effect nation's ability to act as peacemaker?

McCain: nations that are strong militarily need strong economy.  America is greatest force for good in the history of the world.  (Not sure I believe that these days.)  Rambling...  No answer.  Obama doesn't understand national security.

Obama: McCain says Obama doesn't understand.  Doesn't understand invading country that has nothing to do with 9/11.  Wrong judgement on being treated as liberators.  Huge strain on budget.  Going to do over $1 trillion.  Iraqis have $79 billion surplus.  McCain doesn't say how he will pay for things.  Never been nation that saw economy decline and remained militarily strong. Can't spend to stop genocide in Darfur.

Question: doctrine on use of force?

Obama: moral issues as stake (this contradicts his point on Iraq where people were being massacred).  Wish McCain would take him to task on this one.  Classic debate opportunity.  Darfur - could be providing logistical support, only with help of international community.

McCain: if we had set up date for withdrawl like Obama said, there would be many problems. Troops home in defeat under Obama.  Must fo whatever we can to precent genocide.  Must be able to beneficially impact the situation.  Admitted Somalia was mistake, but touted it earlier.  Confused...  Want Obama to call him on it.

Question: should the U.S. respect Pakistan or pursue terrorists there?

Obama: made bad judgement in going into Iraq.  Bin Laden escaped.  Must reverse course and focus on border, hills of bin Laden.  Put more pressure on Afghanistan, change policies with Pakistan.  Encourage democrasy in Pakistan, increase non-military funding so they have a reason to work with us.

McCain: hero is TR (he said it was Reagan).  Obama likes to talk loudly; wants to announce going to attack Pakistan.  Afghan freedom fighters pushed Russians out; U.S. made a mistake.  Need support of Pakistan.  Petreus had strategy similar to what worked in Iraq - get support of people.  

Obama wants follow-up.  McCain seems petty.

Obama: didn't announce that U.S. will attack Pakistan.  McCain says bomb Iran and destroy North Korea.  McCain tried to make a joke - laughed.  Bad response.  Over confidence.  Musharaff didn't promote democrasy.

McCain: not true.  Supported efforts when U.S. had to go in to war.  What about Iran?  Obama is staring at McCain.  Weird.  Creepy smile from Obama.  Over confidence on his part too.  It would be awesome if a fist fight broke out.

Question: developments in Afghanistan?

Obama: Iraqi government take more responsibility; withdrawl troops.  Put troops in Afghanistan.  More aggressive Taliban attacks.  Need responsive government in Afghanistan.

McCain: Petreus - same overall strategy. ust work more closely with Pakistanis.  Need same strategy as in Iraq.

Question: how can we apply pressure to Russia on humanitarian issues?

McCain: Russia's behavior is outside the norms.  Warned about Putin.  Repressed liberties.  Ukraine is in the sights of Putin.  Need to show moral support for Georgia and Ukraine - make them members of NATO.  G8 is one way to make Russians understand.  

Obama: resurgence of Russia is one of the central issues.  Need to provide moral support to Poland and others.  Also give them assistance to rebuild economies.  Anticipate problems.  Put out statement in April saying situation in Georgia was unsustainable.  See 21st century challenges before they happen.  Too reactive now.  Energy is key.  

Question: Russia is evil empire?

Obama: engage in evil empire.

McCain: maybe; depends on how we respond to Russia.  Energy is big factor.  Georgia and Ukraine are gateways for energy to Europe.  

Question: if Iran attacks Israel?

McCain: thanks for serving.  Not wait for U.N.  Russia and China would be big obstacles.  Iran is still trying to get nuclear weapons.  Threat to stability of Middle East.  Can't happen.  Obama wants to negotiate without preconditions.  McCain is too stuck on this single word for me.  Get over it. Never allow second Holocaust.

Obam: don't let Iran get nuclear weapon.  Threaten Israel and nukes could get in hards of terrorists.  No veto power for U.N.; never take military options off the table.  Use all diplomatic tools available.  Reduce energy so Iran has less money; impose sanctions.  Need to put squeeze on Iran.  Should have direct talks with enemies.  This really works for me.  Don't say it might not work...  Better chance at better outcomes.  When we don't talk, enemies build up nuke programs.

Question: what don't you know and how will you learn it?

Obama: challenges are immense.  Never the challenges you expect - the ones that you don't.  Knows that country gave him opportunity.  Good move back to personal story.  Will we pass on American dream?  And we're back to hope, thankfully.  Move in new direction.

McCain: don't know what's going to happen (stole Obama's answer).  Spent whole life serving country.  Tried to go back to his personal story.  Need to rely on others for support and love in tough times.  I don't get where he's going now....  Ask Americans for another opportunity to put country first - talk about a hard sell.

Analysis: both lost; Obama lost less.


Ben said...

I hated this format. It prevented it from being a Debate, and allowed it to be a talking-points advertisement for both candidates.

Can I make a suggestion? I don't need a recap from the debate. I don't think any of us do. What interests us about you and your blog is your current independence and why. I *really* wanted to know your reaction to each question, not a summary of the Q&A.

What struck chords with you? What do you believe to be true? What really turned you off? You touched on it this time, less than last time, and I think we all wanted more.

Emily R. said...

Why does McCain sound like Jon Stewert doing his impression of President Bush? That snarky "heh-heh...see, I got this secret plan to fight inflation...heh-heh" (that was a West Wing reference btw)

I need Mr. Obama to have a better answer on Russia, but that is the extent of my criticism of him. McCain's jokes fell flat b/c there was no built in laugh track that he is used to while stumping - and it made him look stupid. He fell back on tactics I despite - well, the Ammuurrican spirit can get us through! Sure John, we'll just wish our problems away and thus it will be so. Mr. Obama laid out a 4 point plan to help the economy and he did the best he could answering insipid questions from seemingly moronic Tennesseans.

What I believe to be true Ben, is that Mr. Obama will give tax breaks to the middle class and I truly believe that McCain will deregulate us into the stone age and only help those mega-rich who funded his campaign.

tmb said...

I agree with Ben's suggestion and I had mentioned that to Emily previously - mostly because you ARE "undecided" and in a battleground state, its important for us as readers and commentators to be able to get you through the talking points and onto topics that will inform your vote. PLUS, when you are typing a live debate, you may miss something... (just jumping on the "let's-hear-what-Cass-thinks"-bandwagon).

That said, I think this debate was a win in looking presidential for Senator Obama. Neither candidate strayed far from the talking points and neither candidate made a move. As I stated previously on this blog when talking about the Veep debate, a draw is a win for Senator Obama because he is leading in every poll and in every toss-up state.

That said, there were some interesting moments last night:

1. While Governor Palin and campaign spokespeople have begun the negative character attacks (i.e. Reverend Wright, William Ayers, Senator Obama's middle name), the candidate, Senator McCain, failed to mention any a single time. That seems to be a remarkable statement about Senator McCain's character. He is willing to bash Senator Obama through surrogates and stump speeches, yet when he is standing in a room with him, he fails to challenge him. Is it that Senator McCain truly believes these attacks are petty and trivial? That is not what he and his surrogates have said on the trail. Or, is this an indictment of Senator McCain's ability to confront someone on what he deams important issues? What would happen if a "preconditioned" meeting occurred between a President McCain and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? Would he fail to call him out to his face? Interesting.

2. Senator Obama's statement about what Senator McCain will say and THEN Senator McCain saying it. That shows two things: (a) that Senator Obama can clearly articulate the points against him and maneuver around those jabs effectively, and (b) that Senator McCain just isn't listening! I mean, please. Do us all a favor and participate in the debate Senator - that means paying attention when you aren't the one doing the talking. Haven't we learned from the Bush administration what happens when advisors aren't listened to? This is the trait you saw at play here.

3. Senator McCain's one-liners. Emily makes a great point here about a laugh track. While Senator McCain is commanding when talking about world affairs and foreign policy, one-liners and jokes just undermine this knowledge. One-liners and ten word answers are what we see from Governor Palin. They were what we saw from Governor Bush. They are also not what we need on a day when the stock market dropped 500 more points.

4. Senator McCains flip on rewriting bad mortgages. This is meat and potatoes here kids, so hold your hats. When Senator McCain suspended his campaign to return to Washington from NY on a 22 hour trip(!), he arrived amid Senator Chris Dodd announcing a plan was in place. The plan included the ability for bankruptcy judges to rewrite bad mortgages. Sound familiar? It should. I made a comment on THIS blog that Senator Obama advocated this to his colleagues that it be included. It was. Then Senator McCain arrived and needed to fix or save a deal. The only way that was possible was to scuttle the deal already in place. How? Well, Republicans do not like legislating from the bench (as we've heard millions of times). The House GOP seized on this granting of power to bankruptcy judges to rewrite bad mortgages as legislating from the bench. They balked at the deal and we went 12 days without another. Now Senator McCain holds it out as his own. Interesting. Check the history. Its crystal clear.

I took these four points away from the debate and one more that I cannot take for my own - that Georgia and Missouri by this time next week will be moved into the "toss-up" category (that's yellow on your maps for those playing at home). Thoughts? Reactions? I think it is bold to state that but when I see post-debate polls from CNN and CBS that show Senator Obama winning almost 2-1, I have to assume people in those states which Senator Obama has spent considerable money in, will start to move.

It's gonna be interesting!

tmb said...

Btw new polling out: Gallup Obama up 11 and the map today: http://www.pollster.com/

kjoe said...

the incoherent mortgage buyback by McCain has every pundit and a wide variety of conservativesw and liberals outraged or confused. I have not read anything about anyone endorsing it. It should be reported as a major gaffe, if not a sign of senility surpassing the idiocy of choosing Palin.