Like Palin asked to call Biden, Joe.
First question: best or worst of the Congress?
Biden: went after existing president. Points on oversight, investors, and CEO punishment. Change focus to middle class.
Palin: kids soccer game good point. Fear about investments. Good socialist points. Small business focus good. Like it. Economy is hurting. McCain for reform; maybe 8 years ago. Politics aside is good.
Biden: shrinking gap? Violence, cops, and genocide good record. Biparitan good. Point on "fundamentals of economy" and change in McCain's talking points.
Palin: "American workforce" point good, but shallow. Back to reform. "Team of mavericks" doesn't work for me lately. "96 percent along party line" good point. McCain should've said it. "Something new and different" is strong statement.
Question: sub-prime lending.
Palin: blame on lender is ok, but not the whole story. Corruption resonates with regular people. "Never again" shows foresight. Like it. Savings is good. Love personal responsibility. Heard it from Obama; good to hear from GOP.
Biden: letting Wall St. run wild is also big for regular Americans. What's up with Biden's lips? Deregulations aren't terrible. Local gas station is again strong. Sounds like saying the same thing.
Palin: need tax relief and jobs created locally. Like the pace of the debate. Obama not on "people's side" 94 times. Good research. Efficiency in government is cool. Increase in taxes on those making $42k? Tough.
Biden: not true. Good research by Biden. McCain raise 477 times to raise taxes? Called her on not answering questions. Classic debate.
Palin: talk straight to American people is strong. Eliminated taxes for people and businesses. Tabacco and campaign finance.
Question: raise taxes on people who make more than $250k; taxes on healthcare.
Binden: fairness. Middle class is struggling. True. No change under McCain. No tax raises for middle class. 95 percent making less than $100k gets tax break. $300 billion in cuts for corporate America under McCain. What about trickle down?
Palin: redistribution of wealth. Millions of small businesses. I really care about that. Paying higher taxes is patriotic? Government is too often problem. Get out of the way. My traditional values here. Healthcare details - tax credit for families to purchase own healthcare is ok, but not great. "Federal government running anything" statement is funny. Like any argument for competition.
Biden: stuttered on this one. Back to fairness. Small business owners wouldn't get taxt increase. What about businesses themselves? Pays for tax credit by taxing healthcare plan through taxing healthcare benefit from employer. Starting to get confusing on healthcare. Not simple enough to be memorable. "Bridge to nowhere" is funny.
Question: what promises have you made that you can't keep?
Biden: slow down doubly foreign assistance. Can't do tax cuts from McCain or current administration. Not going to slow up affordable healthcare. Tripped up again. Eliminate wasteful spending - $100 billion tax dodge for offshore bank accounts.
Palin: doesn't tell one thing to one group... Like the strength there. Energy plan - Obama voted for big tax breaks for big oil. Not going to happen in Alaska. People come first. Value for people, not big oil. Good citations on history again. Area of expertise is a good one. Take off table? Hasn't promised a whole lot. Why did she remind people she's only been at it for 5 weeks? bad...
Biden: energy bill was real support for alternative energy. Why is McCain adding tax cuts for big oil? Want to do same that Palin did in Alaska, but McCain doesn't. Not strong to agree with Palin's tax cuts.
Question: Congress passed bill to make it harder to declare bankruptcy.
Palin: would've done the same. Corruption and greed, McCain called for reform. John McCain to thank for bringing people to table. Starting to get confused on who represents what.... Lots of the same talk. Need greater differentiation.
Question: difference between Obama and Biden.
Biden: Obama saw half empty - not good point. Really weak. Why did he go there? "McCain is surprised" statement should've gone further.
Palin: record on energy - have to consider need to become energy dependant. "East Cost politicians" statement sharp. And I'm on East Coast. Tap into domestic energy sources. Key to America's future.
Question: climate change?
Palin: Alaska sees impact more than other states. Starting to get confusing... Didn't answer question. How to positively change impacts? Starting to talk in circles. Formed climate change sub-cabinet is good. Proof that she's doing something. Put blame on other countries is responsibile and visionary.
Biden: biggest difference? I hope not. Why talking about self in third person? Cause is man-made. Stop greenhouse problems and create new technology. V. important. Investing in clean coal; McCain voted again clean energy. "Drill we must" and taking 10 years to get energy from domestic drilling is good point.
Palin: "Drill, baby, drill." I'm not with her on this at all. Will only be a crutch and will slow clean energy development and acceptance. Obama is against domestic energy production. Not sure on that. Not sure it's safe either. Called out Biden for saying no such thing as clean coal.
Biden: hard targets on clean coal. Comment out of context. Always questionable. McCain voted 20 times against funding alternative energy.
Question: same sex benefits?
Biden: yes! Glad someone is finally talking about this. Gay rights is a topic very important to me. Good talk on rights.
Palin: don't redefine traditional definition of marriage. Not cool - playing to the right. Very diverse family and friends, don't agree with her. No one would propose anything to prohibit visitation and other rights.
Biden: won't redefine marriage. Sad. Why won't someone enter the 21st century? No difference.
Palin: agreement is poor.
Question: exit strategy:
Palin: surge worked. Petreus talk is again pathetic. Obama opposed funding troops; broke promise. Biden called him out. Way to turn them against each other! More troops for Afghanistan. Closer and closer to victory.
Biden: shift responsibility to Iraqis. Only one out is McCain. Strong. McCain voted the same way (Palin shaking her head). Got to have timeline (think that is failing policy). Point on Iraqi surplus is a good one. Responsibility a good point. No end in sight for McCain.
Palin: paused - no good. White flag of surrender. Surge works; Obama can't admit it. Finished in Iraq when Iraqis can take care of own people. Bumbled a statement. Biden would run with McCain - funny and clear. Said Obama not ready. Biden is laughing, but this is not funny. Starting to bumble again.
Biden: McCain voted to cut off funding for troops. Problem with this line on both sides is that legislation is very complicated. Doesn't tell whole story. "Greeted as liberators" is ok, but really old point. McCain is dead wrong, not true with surge.
Question: which is greater threat?
Biden: both are dangerous. Focused on Pakistan. Has nuclear weapons that can hit Israel. Iran isn't close to nuclear weapons. McCain says front on terror is in Iraq. Attack on homeland comes from terrorists in hills of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Should help to build schools for hearts and minds. Don't believe that works.
Palin: both are dangerous. Petreus said central war on terror is in Iraq. Not sure I believe him. Iran can't get nuclear weapons. Good understanding of issues in Iran/Israel situation. Can't let Iran get weapons. Not North Korea or Cuba. Back to pre-conditions. McCain made his best point on this issue last week.
Question: Secretaries of State are for engagement with enemies.
Palin: talked to Kissinger. (Nice.) McCain would engage in diplomacy. Not sure I believe it. Thank goodness someone mentioned women's rights. Diplomacy is hard work by serious people is good point.
Biden: theocrasy controls security and nuclear enemies. Friends and allies tell us to sit down and talk. Good third party reference. Bush finally sent diplomat to Europe to talk with Iran. McCain wouldn't sit down with president of Spain - not sure that's true; maybe out of context.
Question: two state solution?
Palin: yes. Israel is strongest and best ally. Will play well with the Jewish people I know. Two state solution will work. Peace-seeking nation (Jordan, Egypt).
Biden: talking in third person again.... Administration's policy is failure; Rice trying to turn it around. Hamas winning is obvious failure by current administration. Hezbollah legitimization is also failure. Biden is in the zone.
Palin: administration is not failure (lie). Don't do blame game. Called out adminstration. Too much finger pointing is good point. McCain will learn from past. No partisanship; Biden respected.
Biden: "Past is prologue" is piss poor. Hasn't heard how McCain policy is going to be different from Bush. Want to be most respected nation in world - I agree.
Question: nuclear weapons?
Palin: use as deterrent. Don't let other countries get it. Economic sanctions. (Don't work - know that from my debate days.) McCain policy on Afghanistan would be different than Bush. Calls Obama reckless. Don't buy that the good stuff we're doing there actually work right now.
Biden: surge will not work in Afghanistan. Need more explanation on this one... Spend more money in combat in Iraq in 3 weeks than in 7 years in Afghanistan. McCain against ammending nuclear arms band treaty. Obama reached against aisle on loose nukes. Really glad he did that. Starting to stumble again...
Palin: McClellan didn't say surge wouldn't work in Afghanistan. Counter insurgency approach could work.
Biden: weak response! Backed down. Repeated old point on spending.
Question: record as interventionist.
Biden: American public has stomach for success? Bosnia worked; McCain opposed it. Relatively stable government? Voted for sanctions on Iraq. Be in Iraq for decades. No genocide in Darfur. Really glad someone is talking about this. About time. Get forces in.
Palin: "Washington outsider" - about time. Pulled Kerry line on "for it before against it." Biden opposed Obama strategy. Agrees on Darfur. $40 billion investment fund - divested from Sudan so that wouldn't condone activities in Darfur. Should end atrocities.
Biden: line should be drawn - capacity to do something. Never supported McCain strategy on Iraq. Not greeted as liberators. True. McCain lock-step with Cheney is strong point.
Palin: struggling here. Debate getting slow and repetitive. McCain can win war. "Knows what evil is" is bad Bush hang-over.
Question: heart beat away.
Biden: national tragedy if Obama dies. Will carry out Obama policies - middle class is priority; energy independence; foreign policy to end war; get Bin Laden; engage allies; reject Bush Doctrine; biggest ticket item (what is it)?
Palin: team of mavericks - don't agree on everything; ANWAR. Continue good work of putting government back on side of people. Need Wasilla common sense. Working class Americans - government, get out of my way. Create jobs, win the war.
Biden: go to Union Street in Wilmington. (Good point.) Hep education and healthcare. People in neighborhood get it. They know they've gotten short end of stick.
Palin: "Say it ain't so, Joe." was great point. Wife's reward is in heaven - very normal. Schools need funding; teachers need better pay. Good shout out to 3rd graders and teachers. Live that! Very strong. "No Child Left Behind" doesn't do the job. Education needs to be top of the line.
Question: wouldn't be VP?
Palin: of course we know what VP does. Rambling.... Support president. Understand strengths. Lead on energy independence, work with special needs children; reform of government.
Biden: McCain didn't support education. VP role will mean getting things done in Senate. In room on every major decision. Speak truth to power. Bring change.
Question: more power for VP? Also member of legislative branch?
Palin: usher in agenda supportive and cooperative with president's agenda. Agree with Cheney - oh no! Experience at executive level.
Biden: thank goodness he called out Cheney! Should be in executive branch. Role to support president. Should only vote when there is a tie. (Hate use of "his" when it comes to VP.)
Question: achilles heel?
Palin: has experience has executive and on energy. Connection to heartland of America. (This is one question that neither should answer!) Good point on not having healthcare. Shares world view of exceptionalism. (Is that even a word? See earlier post on NYT Op Ed.)
Biden: referenced "achilles heel" - why? Shouldn't do it. Spnet rest of time patting self on back; as he should. Wife and daughter died - sad. Better off now (should've mentioned fulfilling American dream like Obama did at DNC). Teared up - shit!!!!!!!!!!!!
Palin: how do you follow Biden on that? Took on own party. Weak and boring response. If you're playing a drinking game to this, I hope "maverick" is one of your words.... Rambling.....
Biden: no "maverick." Debt on budgets. Voted against covering children, education, war - nothing that impacts real Americans.
Question: single issue that forced view change?
Biden: view on judicial temperment. (You've got to be kidding me - so dull and not relevant to many people.)
Palin: passed budgets. Why would she say "caved?" That's terrible. Hasn't changed principled things - worked together. Ok, not great.
Question: how do you change tone in Congress?
Biden: McCain would acknowledge Biden can work across lines and change own party's opinion. Don't question motive - questioned judgement. Not really an answer.
Palin: appoint people regardless of party affiliation. Diverse family mention again. Like it a lot. Policies and proposals speak for selves. Create jobs, reign in spending, energy independence - Obama to increase spending and taxes.
Palin: likes answering tough questions. Attacked media. She needed to do that. Good reference to own family. Americans are blessed - proud. Fight for freedoms. Second mention of Reagan. Fight for freedom (not really a concern).
Biden: dug into deep hole - economy and credibility. Don't cut regulations, give tax breaks to big oil. Measure about affording education and sending kids overseas. Dignity and respect - good point on neighborhood. "Get back up point" not strong and repetitive. Protect troops.
Analysis - draw, which will be called a win for Palin. Not necessarily reality. But draw is good for McCain.
Just refreshed BUT thought you would want to see this:,8599,1842156,00.html
TIME Magazine article about McCain not sitting with Zapatero, the prime minister of Spain - a NATO member country.
Just as a point of clarification, I'm not sure if the analysis that a draw is "good" for McCain-Palin is right. They are down in most swing states (see latest Quinnipiac poll of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida and recent McCain campaign pull-out of Michigan) and Obama-Biden has the lead nationally (see Gallup Daily Tracking 48-44). With just about 30 days left, I'm not sure how many "draws" gets them to 270 electoral college votes needed.
You are right that last night COULD BE a draw. But I think in only one sense - neither did damage to their ticket. Neither gaffe-prone candidate produced any sizeable gaffes.
Where I think this was a win for Obama-Biden is as follows...
Sarah Palin proved what we already knew about her - she can deliver ten word zinger-type answers. However, what Joe Biden did press for (even though Gwen Iffil wouldn't herself) was for the ten words after that. Sarah Palin tried to be folksy. I'm not sure in an election that is marked by "change" from the last 8 years slogans of both sides that folksy gets you anywhere. Voters are well aware that folksy and putting a guy in office you'd like to have a beer with produced catastrophic economic and foreign policy failures that generations will be talking about.
Biden was long on specifics and talked about substantive policy choices. When he pressed Sarah Palin to give an example of what "Maverick" means (a term she used nearly 16 times in 90 minutes! and 4 times in one answer alone!), she was unable to talk specifics. The problem with Sarah Palin the candidate is the sexism of the McCain campaign to embellish her and not let her be Sarah Palin the Governor, the former mayor, the mom, the right wing Republican. Too bad.
A win for Joe. Or a draw. Either way, a few more days go by without McCain-Palin making any ground.
Seriously though, go back and read the transcript. If you like punctuation or basic sentence structure, you will be shocked. She actually spoke in run-on paragraphs. Quite scary!
Here's the transcript...
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